Have you heard about the new coronavirus strain that recently emerged in more than 20 countries around the world? This article comprises all the details you might be wanted to know about this new coronavirus variant.
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Few Words About New Coronavirus Strain
Till February 15, 2020, the CDC (Center for Disease and Control) stated about 7 subtypes of coronavirus. This includes the one causing the pandemic emerging from China that is SARS-CoV-2. But, this new strain is not still being listed in them.
The new coronavirus strain namely VUI is said to be 70% or more contagious and easily transmissible than the previously existing ones.
The name given to this new covid strain is VUI-20201201 abbreviated as variant under investigation from 1st December 2020.
This virus strain is first detected in October 2020 and claims to affect almost ¼ of all people from COVID around the UK during those months.
Detection was based on a test conducted by health authorities mainly through UK health secretary Matt Hancock.
The new covid variant is different from SARS CoV-2 taking the lives of millions. VUI came into being due to its almost 17 genetic mutations mainly N501Y in the protein called a spike which binds the enzyme ACE2 in a human cell. The researches suggest that these mutations tend to be more easily spreadable than the traditional ones from person to person.
UK, France, Italy, Africa, Australia. But now many other parts of the world are reporting the variant including Pakistan, China, India, and some parts of the U.S.
Points Of New COVID-19 Strain As Per NERVTAG
NERVTAG (New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group), is UK based expert healthcare and social care committee. A meeting held on 18th December 2020 puts some light on the key points of the VUI trait which are as follows:
- This new trait is 71% more contagious than the previous one. The reason for this is that it is having more viral load and more replication at the tissue level.
- VUI is less severe than SARS CoV-2, reporting on average 4 deaths per 1000 cases.
- There is a possibility of reinfection just like the previous one.
- Furthermore, there is no evidence that VUI is not sensitive to the vaccines available for the current trait.
- Researches are going on and they will update as soon as anything exciting comes up about it.
Symptoms and Treatment of the New Coronavirus Strain
The symptoms of VUI is no different than COVID-19. Including fever, cough, body aches, headache, fatigue, sore throat, vomitings, diarrhea, etc. But, flu is said to be more common in VUI than in COVID-19. However, shortness of breath and chest pain are less likely.
The treatment option for VUI is also the same. Just like COVID-19, it is a virus trait that will go away after its comprised period. The guidelines available and FDA-approved medications are believed to be effective in the treatment of VUI.
Likewise, the vaccine approved by health authorities for SARS-CoV-2 is believed to be also effective for VUI and other upcoming traits of coronavirus.
To Conclude
COVID19 or SARS-CoV-2 itself is a mutated form of coronavirus which was existing since the 1960s yet in milder intensity till converting and initiating the pandemic. So, it is usual for a virus to change or mutate over a year or after some time. On the other hand, it is also possible that the vaccines and medications that are believed to slow down the process of growth of this virus might no longer effective on new upcoming strains.
Then how to save yourself? The best way to save yourself and your loved ones is still “PREVENT THE INFECTION AT FIRST PLACE”. Follow the guidelines of social distancing, hand washing, and wearing a mask, to decrease chances of getting an infection and stop the pandemic.
Moreover, eat healthily, stay hydrated, exercise, take your dietary supplements, and sleep well. Maintain good social contact with friends and family. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.