The Truth About Mouthwash Killing Covid-19 | Loaded Health
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The Truth About Mouthwash Killing Covid-19

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Have you heard about the recent update on mouthwash killing Covid-19? Let’s find out how true is that and why there is so much discussion going on about it.

Where The Idea Of Mouthwash Killing Covid-19 Came?

There is much evidence on this particular topic that shows the effectiveness of mouthwash lowering the viral load and limit transmission of covid-19. But today in this article I will be discussing 2 major studies that are highly acclaimed in terms of mouthwash killing covid 19.

  • The first study shows the potential of Povidone iodine-containing mouthwash in killing Covid-19.
  • The second study is in extensive news nowadays states that mouthwash containing 0.07% Cetylpyridinium Chloride as an ingredient tends to kill covid 19.

Let’s discuss each of them briefly.


This research is conducted in the UK recently in which the pieces of evidence were given for on mouthwash killing Covid-19 and the most prominent component was Povidone-iodine in the mouthwash. 

The study further suggests that this component is not only effective in killing Covid-19 but also many other viruses. Covid-19 is a burden on the health system throughout the world. And the effectiveness of using povidone-iodine mouthwash or many commercially available mouthwash in decreasing this burden is still controversial.


This one needs deep attention here. This study is also UK based and addressed by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Colorado Nonprofit Development Center (CNDC), as well as Skynews

This study was tested on components like zinc, cetylpyridinium chloride, ethanol, sulfate heptahydrate, and certain enzymes and proteins

Results showed from the above elements that only 0.07% Cetylpryridium chloride (CPC) shows some positive potential in favor of killing Covid-19. Moreover, CPC also tends to prevent complications of Covid-19.

Should You Use Povidone Iodine or CPC Containing Mouthwash?

Yes, you can. I mean the majority of the individuals are already using mouthwash for the sake of their oral hygiene. If you replace your mouthwash with Povidone or CPC containing mouthwash. There will be no harm in it and it will have a dual effect.


There is one key point here. Whether using mouthwash will prevent you from Covid-19 or killing Covid-19 disease as a whole. To date wearing masks, hand washing, and social distancing are still at the top of the list for that purpose. 

Why? Because Covid-19 is a respiratory illness and that mouthwash is believed to kill Covid-19 but only from your saliva. The virus might still be residing in your nasopharynx, upper airway, or lungs. Mouthwash can’t do the alone killing of Covid-19.

Why Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene is Important?

The main purpose of the mouthwash is to maintain good oral hygiene. It’s a complete package when combined with brushing your teeth twice a day. Furthermore, there are strong believes that maintaining good oral hygiene will not only kill coronavirus in your saliva but also prevent many other diseases, for example, Infective Endocarditis

Studies also favor that when you have bad oral hygiene there are more chances for you to develop Pneumonia and lower respiratory tract infection or at least further complicate the existing illness. 

The reason behind this tends to be that, bad oral hygiene builds up infective secretions within your mouth and saliva. These secretions when goes into the lungs and throat cause pneumonia or complicate your existing respiratory infections.

Covid-19 is also mainly a respiratory illness. You can prevent coronavirus and its complications such as pneumonia with good oral hygiene. 

The Bottom Line

Wrapping it up with the thought that mouthwash killing Covid-19 is still controversial and yet only target in stabilizing the viral load in your saliva. The importance of wearing masks and maintaining social distance for the prevention of Covid-19 is still top of the list. 

However, in my opinion, everyone must maintain good oral hygiene to prevent many diseases including Covid-19, and if doing so takes a CPC (Cetylpyridinium Chloride) containing mouthwash I don’t think there is any harm in it. So, give it a try with several other methods you are applying to prevent Covid-19 and its complications like maintaining good nutrition, exercise, or including supplements in your diet. Stay healthy, fit, and safe. 🙂

Note: The new trait of the virus is still in trials and to date no vaccine or curative medication available for Covid-19. Please keep yourself and people around you safe by maintaining social distance and wearing masks when someone is around. 


Dr. Riffat Humayun

I am a doctor by profession. Working as healthcare worker since 2015. With that also working as an experienced freelance writer, blogger, SEO expert, and content creator + strategist for a few years now. Position at - Author, content strategist, senior editor, SEO expert

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