Do You Know Why Intra Workout Nutrition Is Important
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Do You Know Why Intra Workout Nutrition Is Important

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Are you exercising for more than 45 to 60 minutes each session? If YES you might be stressing out your body. In fact, to avoid this you should learn about intra workout nutrition. As it will be necessary to cope up with the exercise stress on your body and your muscles.

It is needed for those who are working out for more than 45 to 60 minutes. Why? Because until this period the pre-workout meal is usually consumed and your body is running out of energy.

Intra Workout Nutrition

As the name suggests it is the nutrition during exercise and workouts. Most people who are training harder and longer are in a need of intra-workout meals. Recommendations suggest that if exercising less than 45 to 60 minutes or less you might not need the intra workout fuel. On the other hand, anything more than 45 to 60 minutes should be fuelled up from the intra-workout snack in between the exercise.

Benefits of Intra Workout

Some of the intra workout meal benefits include:

  • Optimum hydration throughout the workout session.
  • Energy maintenance during and throughout the exercise.
  • Replenish your burned calories.
  • You can effectively and efficiently complete your exercise.

Essential Intra-Workout Foods

Likewise pre-workout must-haves there are some intra-workout essentials you must know. You can also consume several supplements available in the market in the form of intra workout nutrition but today I will only discuss the natural and wholesome foods one can consume during exercise for getting the maximum benefit out of it.


No matter whether you are consuming it is in the form of intra workout food or intra workout drink. Both are in some way or another is the type of intra workout fuel body needed at that time. Mainly the type of fuel, your body requires at this time of exercise is none other than carbohydrates.

Consuming the intra workout carbs is important because they are ones who will give you instant energy and keep your endurance during exercise up and going.

Why Only Intra-Workout Carbs?

During or in between your workouts, all you will be needing are fast-digesting carbohydrates because your cells need to consume nutrients quickly to provide oxygen to your muscles and body by boosting these in your bloodstream.

The fats and proteins take time to be digested and released in the blood then reach the muscles and cells as compared to simple carbs that are why it is always recommended to take only simple carbs during the workout sessions. There are some benefits you will get by consuming Intra-workout carbs.


Carbohydrates are the fast fuel your body might need if your exercise intensity is high. They will fight your fatigue for you.


During workouts, you have used your circulating glucose that will lead to fatigue and compromised focus. By consuming carbs you will be more focused.


If your muscles are hydrated and full of nutrition they can rely on and once you expand their nutrition by taking intra workout snacks then you will be less likely to be injured.

How Many Carbs To Take In Your Intra Workout

This question might be arising your mind. I will discuss the option next in the line, for now, let’s discuss how much carbs you really be needed as your intra workout snack.

The answer to this question is mostly variable as everyone has different fitness goals and might need different amounts of calories as per their BMI.

But I will tell you the general rule of thumb that may apply to most people. But in either way, the amount you will be needing will be very less. Because you just need a small number of carbs during the workout to be pumped up.


An average individual will be needing anywhere between 10gms to 60gms of carbohydrates depending on the duration and intensity of your workout if you are training just 60 minutes high intensity go for 10 to 20 gms. If you are training for 2 hours go for 50 to 60gms carbs in between your workouts.

Top 7 Intra-Workout Energizers

Here are some wholesome foods I recommend taking as intra workout carbs. These include:


A banana or a half of it during your workout is just perfect to consume as it will not only be an easily digestible carb but also contains potassium which is excellent for reducing muscle fatigue.


It is a low calorie and nutrient-dense food to consume as your intra-workout meal.


Dates give you instant energy if consumed as before, after, or intra workout.


The benefits of honey are of no doubt. The punch of carbs and sugar in a teaspoon of honey is just perfect as your intra-workout snack.


These are very low calorie and highly nutritious foods. Gives you the good amount of fast-digesting carbs you might be needing during your exercise period.


This one is one of my personal favorites. It is delicious and refreshing. After 60 minutes of workout, you are tired and fatigued. Your water and electrolytes are low. Consider drinking coconut water at this point to replenish all your water along with electrolytes.


Not only the fresh orange juice but also the few orange slices will do the job. Even any easy digestible fruit will be fine for you. They will not only give you carbohydrate spikes but also hydrate you as Fruits having 50% water content.

What Else?

Besides the above-mentioned carbohydrates rich foods one thing more I want you to linger your focus on. It is no other than water.


There are mixed views on consuming water during workouts but their recommendations suggest that consuming water during your exercise session is very necessary to avoid dehydration and fatigue.

Remember, don’t consume water in large quantities at one time. If you are working more than 45 minutes per session try to take 750ml-1000ml of water during whole workout timings. But consume in the form of SIPS.

Even if you are exercising for less than 45 minutes, drink 300-500ml water during the session in the form of SIPS.

When to Consume Your Intra Workout Boost

The most important thing to keep in mind is whether you should take your intra workout nutrition. The length of the workout is very important in this scenario. Remember you are only eligible to take this meal if your workout length is more than 45 to 60 minutes. If the workout is intense go for the 45-minute mark otherwise more than 60 minutes is the key.

The second point to make in this is the Intensity of your workout. If you are having a high-intensity session but it is lesser than 45 minutes you don’t really need the intra-workout carbs, your re workout meal will do just fine for you.

So to be conclusive, the intensity has a lesser impact in deciding whether you need the meal during the workout session or not. It is mainly the duration of your workout.

What Will Happen If I Train Long Sessions Without Nutrition During Exercise?

If you are training more than 45-60 minutes a session don’t miss your nutrition during workouts. Failing to do so can result in certain consequences faced by your body. Getting your nutrition wrong during exercise or unable to hydrate properly will result in the following:

  • Early and easy fatigue.
  • Reduced rep range and speed.
  • Low endurance.
  • Lack of concentration
  • Compromised decision-making skills.
  • Stomach upset
  • Below optimal body gains and composition.

Video Version For Intra Workout Nutrition

Wrapping It Up

Remember intra workout nutrition is not for everyone but only for people who are training harder or having longer workout sessions. If you are one of them do not miss out on your nutrition during workouts. Effective and non tiring workout depends on good nutrition. If you work on your nutrition you will eventually achieve your fitness goals.


I have already covered everything in detail about nutrition during your workouts. But here are some frequently asked questions about the topic for you if you are looking for a quick answer.

  • What Should I Eat during intra workout nutrition?

You should consume only fast-digesting carbs during intra workout nutrition for the quick spike in your energy. Anything slow-digesting will take time to be digested and will ruin your progress.

  • How many carbs are intra workout?

It depends on your fitness goals and how many calories you have to allow yourself in a day. But in general anywhere between 10gm to 60gms is a good amount of carbs intra workout.

  • When should I drink intra workout?

Try to drink only water during intra workout. Consume anywhere between 300 to 800ml of water in the form of sips only. If you are going for the intra workout shake instead of whole food. You should consume it after 45 to 60 minutes to get yourself energetic for your rest of the workout.

Also Read: Nutrition for COVID-19 & Exercise Recommendations for COVID 19.

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Dr. Riffat Humayun

I am a doctor by profession. Working as healthcare worker since 2015. With that also working as an experienced freelance writer, blogger, SEO expert, and content creator + strategist for a few years now. Position at - Author, content strategist, senior editor, SEO expert

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