Calorie Deficit To Lose Weight - The Ultimate Guide | Loaded Health
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Calorie Deficit to Lose Weight – The Ultimate Guide

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Do you want to know the calorie deficit to lose weight? Here is your guide. You can also see our calorie calculator and formulas regarding BMI, protein intake, and water intake for easy fitness math.

When one hears the phrase diet, the first thing that springs to mind is weight loss. Although different diets may be utilized for various health objectives. The need for rapid and successful weight loss has strangely reduced diets to weight loss exclusively.

There are several diets on the market, all of which promise the quickest and most successful weight loss. Such diets claim to include certain secret formulae that the normal human brain cannot understand. Some suggest that the magical combination of banana and milk can help you lose weight, while others argue that it is the full elimination of meat.

Among all the methods and diet plans the creating a calorie deficit to lose weight is the ultimate winner.

Calorie Deficit to Lose Weight

Diets that genuinely demonstrate significant weight reduction outcomes almost always have one thing in common: A CALORIE DEFICIT TO LOSE WEIGHT. The calculation of calories is essential for healthy, successful, and quick weight loss. The concept is straightforward: if you consume fewer calories than you burn, your body will naturally burn stored fat to make up the calorie shortfall, resulting in weight reduction. Special weight reduction diets may provide a calorie deficit or deceive your body into thinking it has a calorie deficit to lose weight.

The Best Way To Achieve A Calorie Deficit

You cannot attain an optimal calorie deficit to lose weight unless you approach it correctly. Simply switching from two to one loaf of bread won’t make much of a difference. It will undoubtedly lower your calorie consumption, but you will get the most advantages if you cut your calories intelligently. So, the best way is to do simple math. Follow the steps below:


If you wish to decrease calorie deficit to lose weight, you need first to determine how many calories you will be needing to support your body and how many you can forego. The internet is flooded with formulae that can help you determine your ideal calorie requirements. Remember that various formulae will tell you different things.

Your daily calorie intake is determined by your age, height, gender, weight, physical activity, and health problems. You may use the BMR (basal metabolic rate) to calculate your daily calorie needs. The following is the general formula for calculating BMR:

Male – 66 + (6.3 x bodyweight in lbs) + (12.9 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)

Female – 55 + (4.3 x weight in lbs) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)

You may include your activity level by multiplying the following value by the BMR obtained from the above-mentioned calculation.

  • Sedentary: nil or little activity Equals BMR x 1.2
  • Minimally active: 1–3 days of exercise or activity per week Equals BMR x 1.375
  • Moderately active: 3–5 days per week of moderate exercise or sports Equals BMR x 1.55
  • Extremely active: 6–7 days per week of vigorous activity Equals BMR x 1.725
  • Extremely active: athletes who exercise twice a day, for example, = BMR x 1.9


The BMR is a calorie count that your body needs to sustain its fundamental metabolic processes. Taking as many calories as your BMR advises will help you maintain your weight while cutting calories will help you lose weight.

A good rule of thumb is to reduce your BMR by no more than 500-700 kcals. The rest of your calories should come from various food categories, resulting in a well-balanced diet.

A competent nutritionist must oversee that well-balanced diet.


Now is the moment to structure your diet around the calories you’ve calculated. A nutritionist best does this, but there is no harm in knowing what a professional will be doing for you. A calorie deficit typically results in weight reduction. However, obstinate weight may need certain unusual meal combinations in addition to a calorie deficit.

Top Dietitians are the finest people to advise you on which diet to follow. You may need to follow a specific diet such as the keto, paleo, or DASH diet. You can also follow our 1200 calorie diet plan which is easy and versatile to follow.


Diet alone can help you lose weight, but exercise is also quite important. You cannot reduce your calorie consumption below a particular level even if you are on a calorie deficit diet. If you want to lose weight quickly and effectively, you must exercise to burn the excess calories.

  • If you don’t want your joints to feel overworked, try walking daily. Walking is an exercise that does not require any equipment and may be done daily without causing stress.
  • Running and jogging might also help you lose weight. Though jogging and running are not the same things, there is a slight variation in speed when running.

Never use exercise as a substitute for a calorie-restricted diet. Keep the 70-30 rule in mind. Diet accounts for 70% of weight reduction, with exercise accounting for the remaining 30%. Cardio like 10000 steps a day, Yoga, Weight Lifting, are the most effective weight loss workouts.


All of your weight reduction plans will be useless if you do not keep track of what you are doing and how far you have progressed toward your goal. It is a must to keep a track record of progress.

As you lose weight, your calorie needs will vary. You will have to calculate your BMR regularly, lower your calories, and develop a diet and activity plan appropriately. You should seek the advice of a nutritionist to help you with all of this.



A calorie deficit to lose weight is when you are consuming fewer calories than you are burning over time.

Your daily calorie intake is determined by your age, height, gender, weight, physical activity, and health problems. You may use the BMR (basal metabolic rate) to calculate your daily calorie needs by the following formula:

Male – 66 + (6.3 x bodyweight in lbs) + (12.9 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)

Female – 55 + (4.3 x weight in lbs) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)

Follow the post above for a detailed discussion.


Yes, 1200 calorie deficit to lose weight will be a lot of it is only be creating through diet. If it is by the combination of exercise and diet still quite high. A general and safe deficit to create is 500 – 700 / day.


A safe approach is up to a 500 – 700 calorie deficit every day. Which approximately helps you lose 1 pound per day. Remember slow and steady wins the race.


Calories in and out must be in minus to lose weight. Yes, the best way to lose weight is to create a calorie deficit. Without creating this deficit you might not able to achieve your weight loss goal. So, in short, the only way to lose weight is through a calorie deficit.

The Bottom Line

Calculating calorie deficit to lose weight is important if you want to achieve sustainable weight loss as your fitness goal and maintain it lifelong. Do simple math with the formulas mentioned above or use our calorie calculate and BMI calculator to make it even simpler. Eat within your calorie deficit, exercise, and enjoy the results.

Follow Loaded Health for more updates on weight loss.


Rabia Mirza

WordPress developer, SEO expert, Digital marketing expert & Content Strategist.

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