Types Of Yoga Mats And How To Pick The Right Yoga Mat For Your Practice | Loaded Health
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Types of Yoga Mats and How to Pick the Right Yoga Mat for your Practice

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Yoga mats are available in various colors, thicknesses, lengths, and materials. How do you know which type of yoga mat is right for your practice? This guide will make you understand the different types of yoga mats available and how to pick the right one for your needs. Whether you’re looking for a thick or thin mat, long or short, textured or smooth, there’s a yoga mat that’s perfect for you. Along with the selections, we are also coming up with the Amazon promo code to make your purchase budget-friendly. So, let’s get started!

Types of Yoga Mats

Just like anything else, there are different types of yoga mats for different purposes. Here, we’ll introduce you to the 5 most popular types of yoga mats and when you might want to use each one.

Just like anything else, there are different types of yoga mats for different purposes. Here, we’ll introduce you to the 5 most popular types of yoga mats and when you might want to use each one.

PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) Mats

A PVC mat is a great choice if you’re looking for a cheap yoga mat that will still provide good grip and support. PVC yoga mats are also lightweight and easy to transport, making them ideal for people who are always on the go. However, PVC mats are not as cushioned as some of the other options on this list, so they may not be the most suitable choice if you have sensitive joints. it is one of the best types of yoga mats that people love to have.

TPE (Thermoplastic elastomer) Mats

TPE yoga mats are a good middle-of-the-road option – they’re more affordable than natural rubber mats but usually contain more cushioning than PVC mats. They also tend to be gripper than PVC mats, which can be helpful if you tend to sweat a lot during your practice. Although they are very durable, TPE mats can sometimes feel a bit slimy.

PU (Polyurethane) Mats

PU yoga mats are similar to PVC mats in terms of price and grip, but they offer a bit more cushioning. Since they do not have any harmful chemicals, they are also more environmentally friendly than PVC mats. While PU mats are generally considered durable, they can sometimes feel flimsy.

Natural Rubber Mats

Natural rubber yoga mats are usually more expensive than PVC or TPE mats, but they offer better grip and cushioning. Furthermore, they can be degraded by nature and are environmentally friendly. People with latex allergies may not be comfortable with natural rubber mats due to their weight and difficulty transporting.

Cotton Mats

Natural rubber or TPE yoga mats usually cost more than cotton yoga mats, but cotton mats provide good grip and cushioning. Additionally, they’re eco-friendly because they’re made from renewable resources. Although cotton yoga mats are light and easy to transport, someone with latex allergies may not be able to use them if the mat is wet.

Picking the Right Yoga Mat for your Practice

When it comes to yoga mats, there are a lot of options on the market. With so many choices, figuring out which mat is right for your practice can be tricky. Here are the 4 tips to ensure you choose a yoga mat that’s perfect for you:

First, consider the material of the mat. There are mats made from a variety of materials, including PVC, rubber, natural fibers like jute or hemp, and even cotton. Each material has its own advantages & disadvantages, so it’s important to choose one that will work well for your specific needs. For example, PVC mats are more slip-resistant than other materials, making them a good choice for hot yoga or sweaty practices. Rubber mats are also slip-resistant and provide excellent cushioning, making them ideal for beginners or people with joint sensitivities. 

Second, consider the thickness of the mat. Mats range in thickness from thin travel mats that are only a few millimeters thick to thicker mats that are over a centimeter thick. If you’re shopping for a mat at home or in a studio, a thicker mat might be a good choice since it will provide more cushioning and support. However, if you’re looking for a mat with you on the road, a thinner mat might be better since it will be easier to pack and carry. 

Third, when it comes to size, there are two things to consider: length and width. Most yoga mats are about 68″ long and 24″ wide. If you’re taller than average or have a lot of space in your practice area, you might want to look for a longer mat (74″ or 80″). If you are running out of space on a standard-sized mat, try a wider one (30″ or 36″).

Finally, consider your budget. Yoga mats can vary in price from around $20 to $200 or more. It’s important to find a mat that fits your budget but also meets your needs in terms of material and thickness. With so many different selections, there’s sure to be a yoga mat out there that’s perfect for you—you just have to find it! Currently, we have an all-exclusive discount code with an Amazon coupon code of 20% off considering your budget.

Last Say

After reading about the different types of yoga mats and their benefits, it’s time to choose the right one for your practice. Consider what type of yoga you do, how often you practice, and where you plan to use your mat most. If you’re still unsure which mat is right for you, don’t worry – we’ve got an Amazon offer code just for our readers. We hope this article has helped make your decision easier and we can’t wait to see you on the mat!

Check out the Post workout meal options which you can consume right after your yoga and double the benefit of your session.



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